Eumetsat, Darmstadt, Germany
Spice were part of a software bid by Logica, to design and install modular work-station consoles, for the new Darmstadt/Eumetsat facilities. The bid was accepted by the client and subsequently joint meetings were held with all concerned, in Darmstadt, to discuss the projects and other information with regard to hardware and equipment. Subsequently Spice developed the concept, which became a double layer modular control desk, housing six 19″ HP screens with C.P.U.’s and associated perimeter video equipment ect.
The design concept was processed from original sketch drawings, through to the early ergonomic trials, to a full working prototype which was signed off and subsequently manufactured by moulds and tools to produce G.R.P. consoles. Spice were responsible for the project management and co-ordination of all of the information from various I.T. suppliers of equipment, site surveys, and planning of 26 No. consoles, including electricians and other suppliers, and conducted the acceptance trails with Eumetsat, Logica, and Thomson-CSF, the other client.
Posted in Satellite Operations, Control Rooms